1. Balance of my Ethereum deposit address doesn't match my Stellar wallet balance

That's right, your deposit address is not really yours, it belongs to Apay. Any funds you see on that address are not yours.

Think of it as a deposit address on any crypto exchange.

Nobody else has the same address as you, once you deposit ETH or supported token - your balance on Stellar increases by the same amount. But after the deposit is done funds may disappear from deposit address immediately or stay there longer than you own them, for example, if you send tokens to another stellar wallet or sell them.

2. I see transactions on etherscan that I didn't make.

Same as the previous question, once you make a deposit - funds are now under Apay control and the system decides whether to keep coins as is or transfer to a hot wallet to cover some other user withdrawals. Don't think of the deposit address as your wallet, you can't export keys for it.

The only thing that is important - for each token issued to you on Stellar - we have a matching amount of tokens somewhere on Ethereum or other blockchains and will send it to you when you request a withdrawal.

3. Do I need to have ETH on my balance to work with ERC20 tokens?

No. For convenience, we charge a withdrawal fee in the same currency that you're sending and there are no fees to send tokens between stellar wallets. 

That way you don't have to own any ETH when you're sending BAT, LINK or USDT

4. I sent unsupported tokens to Apay deposit address

If you sent us tokens that are not listed among supported tokens or used different network which is not supported by Apay, such as binance chain or tron (only Ethreum and ERC20 are supported), then we can help you recover your tokens for a fee of $100 to cover the cost of time spent by our engineers. Reach out to [email protected]..

If value of your tokens is less than $100, then unfortunately we can't help you (unless you pay upfront), come back when value of those tokens have grown.

5. Do I get yield on my deposited assets?

Yes! Check this article to learn more details